Khamis, 1 Julai 2010

lawatan ke maltix

Our classes were selected to visit the anti-drug exhibition at Melaka Tengah Engineering Vocasional or Maltex Hill Beds, Melaka.
we are given a task to make a report by our history teacher.
We wish to thank for making and allow us to visit the exhibition there.
We had the opportunity to visit famous picture and because there may be between us after the PMR will be started learning there.

excellent schools that we love goodbye
selepas itu,kami semua memulakan perjalan untuk sampai ke destinasi menaiki bas .
Kami berasa amat gembira kerana dapat melepaskan tension dan melawati tempat yang bakal kami pindah
we could again take their photograph with the students there
other friends who could pose after the event and pose that can not be arrested
setelah kepenatan kami semua menjamu selera di kantin sekolah tersebut.
for two hours we are there and we were asked to return to school.
Our course is very noisy because of their behavior as circumstances change.
We all have arrived.
welcome back to school feeling very tired, we also feel happy.


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